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LCARate™ & the 'Tags'

Global GreenTag's LCARate certification is a world first, 'beyond LCA' Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) based rating system for health and sustainability preferred products from 'Cradle to Grave'.

Based on Full Disclosure of ingredients, it looks in detail at Health and Ecotoxicity and the other Sustainability Assessment Criteria. But when it comes to the LCA part, it means it looks at every impact of the product and its ingredients at every life stage, from raw material extraction, processing and transport to product manufacture, packaging, in use cleaning and maintenance, replacements and end of life disposal and recycling.

All certified products are examined for 'Fit-for-Purpose' and confirmed for Building Code compliance.
But more than that LCRate™ is the world's first 'Net Positive' metric. Its GreenTag EcoPoint tells you when the product negates existing degradation and leaves the world a better place.

Download LCARate Brochure

Platinum: The best of the best, no health impacts or substances of concern at any stage of the life cycle. Products are GMO free, use only RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil with full disclosure of potential sources, use only legally sourced, sustainably sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They protect and restore the planet's biodiversity, are typically 'climate neutral' and often 'climate positive'. They are world leading products.
Gold: Very healthy in use, contains ingredients which poses no health impacts in use, requires systems shown to protect workers and environment in manufacturing, products are GMO free, use only RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (contain no more than 0.1% unidentified potential sources), use only legally sourced, sustainably sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They protect the planet's biodiversity, they minimise climate change. They are excellent products compared to Business as Usual.

Silver: Healthy in use, may contain up to 0.5% ingredients of primary concern that have some identified risk, require systems shown to protect workers and environment in manufacturing, products are GMO free, use only RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (contain no more than 2.5% unidentified potential sources), use only legally sourced, sustainably sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They protect the planet's biodiversity, are better than average for climate change. They are very good products compared to Business as Usual.

Bronze: Considered healthy in use, may contain up to 1% ingredients of primary concern that have some identified risks, require systems are shown to protect workers and environment in manufacturing, products are GMO free, use only RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (contain no more than 5% unidentified potential sources), use only legally sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They are good products compared to Business as Usual.

LCARate™ is also recognised by:

The reporting of its LCA studies is issued as an ISO 14025 compliant Environmental Product Declaration. These summary LCA reports are issued by Global GreenTag as an EPD Program Operator. Where requested or relevant to local scheme requirements, GreenTag's EPDs can also be reported in accordance with ISO 21930 or EN 15804.
In these formats they are LEEDv4®* compliant (140+ countries) and BREEAM®** compliant (40+ countries).

The Certificates

The Product Scorecard

GBCSA™ & the 'Tags'

EPD Program

LEED v4® is a Registered Mark of the US Green Building Council
BREEAM® is a Registered mark of BRE Global

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Discover our work with the Beauty & Personal, Cleaning and Building & Interiors industries or find out more about GreenTag.

Global GreenTag certified products pass the world's toughest standards to protect you, and your family's health and safety, minimise your impact on our finite planet and put the power of selection back in your hands.


Save time and money selecting products that deliver and protect your business from risk.

Find out how Global GreenTag certified products pass the worlds toughest standards for health, eco performance and safety.

Recognised by major green rating schemes, GreenTag is your one-stop certification to choose or evidence product selections.