EPD Development Program
Global GreenTag operates an ISO compliant Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Program.
The reporting of its LCA studies is issued as an ISO 14025 compliant EPD. These summary LCA reports where requested or relevant to local scheme requirements, can also be reported in accordance with ISO 21930 or EN 15804. In these formats they are LEEDv4®* compliant (140+ countries) and BREEAM®** compliant (40+ countries).
LCA Consultant and EPD Verifiers - Request for Expression of Interest
Global GreenTag International Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Program is seeking suitably qualified individuals and companies to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for one or both project based opportunities detailed below:
LCA Consultant
Global GreenTag International Recommended Life Cycle Assessment consultant for the preparation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Global GreenTag EPD Program matches manufacturers seeking EPDs with suitably qualified LCA consultants. LCA consultants will provide quotes and express interest in ad hoc EPD projects in advance and work with manufacturers to provide LCA reports and EPDs to the requested standards. Consultants will also need to work with an assigned verifier. LCA consultants must meet the requirements below to be considered.EPD Verifier
Approved Global GreenTag International EPD Program Verifier who can verify any EPD in the Global GreenTag Program. Global GreenTag EPD Program Verifiers will be offered to verify EPDs on an ad hoc basis. Verifiers must meet the requirements below to be considered.
For more information please view our EOI Application Form.
This form can also be used to express interest in joining a PCR committee, technical committee or be apart of the public consultation mailing list.
Any queries, questions or complaints can be emailed to or call +61 (0)7 33 999 686 between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (AEST).
Product Category Rules (PCR)
Every EPD is underpinned by relevant Product Category Rules (PCR). PCRs are a set of specific rules, requirements, and guidelines for developing environmental declarations for products that can fulfill equivalent functions. PCRs determine what information should be gathered, how that information should be evaluated, and how it should be presented in a form of environmental declaration.
Development Phases
The typical EPD development process under the GreenTag EPD Program includes four phases:
Phase 1: Development of a PCR
PCR for a specific product or product category is developed by Global GreenTag through the consultation process involving interested parties (industry bodies, community and NGO representatives, researchers etc.) and LCA experts. In order to promote harmonization, existing PCRs are used and adapted prior to the development of new PCRs.
Phase 2: Conducting an LCA
An LCA study is conducted according to the PCR provisions by a manufacturer or a third party (e.g. LCA consultant) to gather the necessary data, assess and evaluate environmental impacts of the product across its life span from cradle to grave (or for a limited number of life cycle stages, such as cradle to gate, if allowed by PCR). LCA for GreenTag's LCARate program are conducted by an independent third-party LCA consultancy and peer reviewed.
Phase 3: Development of the EPD
GreenTag drafts and the LCA consultant completes the draft EPD document according to the PCR requirements to present the results of that LCA, as well as other relevant environmental and technical information.
Phase 4: Verification of the EPD
The EPD is verified by Global GreenTag, to ensure that the contents conform to the requirements of the PCR, including the requirements for conducting the LCA.
Stakeholder Processes
The GreenTag EPD Program undertakes required Stakeholder consultation processes for PCRs developed in collaboration with the Evah Institute.
Please submit comments and questions, including requests for the GreenTag EPD Program Operation Rules, to
The stakeholder consultation response and adopted PCRs are accessible through the links below.
Find out more »
Adopted ISO 14025 PCRs:
- PCR IFC: 2021 Interior Floor Covering
- PCR FC: 2021-2024 Interior Floor Coverings
- PCR THI:2023 Thermal Insulation
Adopted ISO 14025 and EN 15804 PCRs:
- PCR AIN: 2021 Acoustic Insulation
- PCR TIN: 2021 Thermal Insulation
- Sub-PCR TEX:2022 Textile
- PCR TPS:2023 Toilet Paper in Compost, Septic and Sewer Systems
EN 15804 Core PCR:
Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations – Core rules for the product category of construction products
- Furniture Products sub-PCR FUP:2023 v1-Updated 16/05/2023
- Benchtops (STRUCTURAL) Sub-PCR BEC:2023 V1
- Fitted Cabinetry Sub-PCR 2023 FIC V1
- Structural Base Shelving and Cabinetry sub-PCR 2023 SBC V1
- Wall and Ceiling Linings sub-PCR WCL:2023 V1 - Updated 16/05/2023
Adopted EN 15804 Sub-PCRs:
- Sub PCR SS: 2019v1 Structural Steel Products
- Sub PCR FC:2019v1 Floor Coverings
- Sub-PCR FC 2022 Interior Floor Coverings
- Sub-PCR IC V1 2021- 2024 Interior Room Covering Wall, Ceiling and Skirting
- Sub-PCR UCM Unreinforced Concrete Mixtures and Concrete Additives
- Sub-PCR WNB Wildlife Nesting Box 2023
- Sub-PCR FWS Filtered Water Systems 2023
- Sub-PCR Sub-PCR Wood Cladding for Buildings 2024 WNB V2
General Program Instructions:
Reviewer Qualifications:
Global GreenTags Reviewer Qualifications for Verification Reports
General Terms of Use of EPD Data
Global GreenTag International EPD Program acknowledges that EPD's are intended to be used for business to business, and business to consumer communication. All EPD use must be comply with Global GreenTag's General Terms and Conditions, specifically section 15.0 on copyright. Additional rules are listed below:
- All data in the EPD is owned by the original EPD owner and the owner is usually the manufacturer or the commissioner of the EPD. EPD owners are listed on the EPD document.
- It is possible to use the data for any application provided it follows the copyright rules stated in the terms and conditions.
- There is no transfer of ownership to the user of the data from the EPD. The user is not allowed to redistribute, sell or commercialise the data for data products without written approval from Global GreenTag.
- The user of the data may only use the data as it is.
Please note that the Terms and Conditions are governed by Australian Law. For any enquires about rules of use please email
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